Navigable cases in Graceland 1. Full loop E/W, tilt up and down ( 1 ) E = right (fwd in QT moov) W = left (backward in QT moov) N = tilt up S = tilt down 2. Full loop E/W, zoom in and out ( 3 ) E = right (fwd in QT moov) W = left (backward in QT moov) N = zoom in (same functionality as 1, just cursor changes) S = zoom out 3. No loop E/W, zoom in and out ( 2 ) E = right (fwd in QT moov, but locks at the end) W = left (backward in QT moov, but locks at the beginning) N = zoom in S = zoom out 4. No loop E/W, no zoom ( 1 row ) ( 21 ) (note: this may be simpler to handle without all the mJoyStickController scripting. It is essentially controlling a QT fwd and back.) E = right W = left N = nothing S = nothing 5. Full loop E/W, no zoom or tilt ( 12 ) ( note: same as 4 but this one loops ) E = right W = left N = nothing S = nothing 6. E/W offsets row, N/S move fwd/back ( 2 ) (note: reverse of functionality of 3. ) E = jump right ( reacts as in N zoom ) W = jump left ( reacts as in S zoom ) N = fwd in QT Moov S = backward in QT Moov Cursor use: All cases use L/R arrows for E/W movement. 1 uses Up/Down arrow for N/S jumps 2,3 use Magnifying glass for N/S jumps 4,5 should display nothing for N/S 6 uses in/out for N/S action 1 uses NW,NE,SE,SW for corner movement all others should display nothing